R&D Research and Development

Phase Motion Control R&D Center

Pure R&D Activities: Building the future

R&D activities focus on searching for innovative solutions and technologies to overcome foreseen roadblocks to more sustainable development.

Research and development in this field focus on exploring solutions that are theoretically possible but not yet proven, whether in industrial applications, prototypes, or theoretical studies. These projects hold the potential to drive groundbreaking innovations or fall short, making them a bold investment in the future.

In keeping with the first statement of the Company’s ethical charter:

“The aim of the Company is to expand scientific knowledge and to progress technology through invention, design and efficient production of innovative devices in the field of cybernetics, motion control and energy conversion, in the belief that the advance of science is as much the driving force of humanity as it is the only means of offering the best future for all living beings”, Phase reinvests a large share of their resources into pure R&D with a long term view.

Phase is currently running research and development projects in the following areas:

Energy storage, advance batteries

This is the most important of Phase R&D ventures, and the one which is advanced enough that it started to generate a significant business. Starting from 2015-1016, this activity originated from a double awareness:....

Recycling and Eliminating Rare Earth Materials

The use of rare earth materials is fundamental to producing high-performance magnets and motors, making their availability a key concern...

Magnetic refrigeration and heat pumping

This is a collaboration offered to a work pioneered and led by the Genoa University, school of thermodynamics...

Advancing Muscle Support in Exoskeletons

Exoskeleton systems restore mobility for individuals affected by disabilities or accidents and enhance physical strength...

Renewables and Electrification

The connection of more and more renewable energy generation on the grid requires a corresponding, enormous increase of storage capacity to match the timings of supply and demand...

Kolibri: the first long range, heavy duty cargo eVTOL

Since 2020, Phase teamed with a group of advance aeronautical engineers to create the first cargo eVTOL, Kolibri...