The Public Assembly of the Association, entitled “Perspectives“, will take place on November 28th, starting at 10.30 am, at the Phase Motion Control headquarters (Genoa, via Pionieri e Aviatori d’Italia 4).

In a time characterized by epochal “transitions“, the industry is called to adapt processes, organizational structures and business models to the new challenges of competitiveness. The reorganization of global value chains requires addressing crucial issues such as digitalisation, innovation, sustainability, decarbonisation in a supply chain logic, creating new forms of partnership between large industrial players and SMEs. In this change of perspective, which sees the importance of the Mediterranean for the Italian and European economy increasing, a fundamental role will be played by ports and logistics.

The president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi will speak at the Assembly.

The public meeting will be preceded, at 9.30 am, by the private meeting, of which the relevant notice and agenda will be sent within the times established by the statute.

Public Assembly Confindustria