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What is happening

Are we at the beginning of a deep revolution,
or at the end of the world?

We are scientists and engineers, let the others talk,
our task is to resolve the problems

Climate change is one of the most discussed current topics and the idea that anthropogenic or artificial greenhouse gases (GHG) are among the main causes of this phenomenon is now universally established.

In addition to its devastating effect on the environment, climate change can also cause an increase in migratory flows, poverty and conflicts, in the face of territories that are becoming less and less habitable.

To stop climate change and resolve and reverse the carbon dioxide trend and the other problems related to them, we need to decarbonize the economy…

Transportation (people and goods) is now the main producer of combustion outputs

Transportation: ground, sea, air

Zero emission requires portable energy.
Battery energy density must come close to that of fuels to make compromise free transportation a reality.

All ways to generate electric energy, except nuclear , which many Countries do not want, generate climate change pollutants, except renewables. Renewables could be the solution but they are all unpredictable and intermittent.
To extend the use of renewables large scale electric energy storage.will be necessary

Two big problems, one keyword:
high energy density,
high capacity batteries

Decarbonization: How?

Phase Motion Control centralizes the development of special projects and series products in its Genoa headquarters.


To decarbonize the EU economy, at least 4000 GWh storage capacity will be needed by 2050 for renewables and transport.

Energy production needs to become pollution free while doubling the output in the next decade, worldwide

How to use renewables efficiently? Taming the unpredictable

Europe use about 2300 TWh of electric energy/year, 6400 GWh/day

If just half of this new output were to come from renewables, wild fluctuations would be unavoidable

If we needed to store just 10% of daily production (say to face heavy storms throughout Europe) the storage capacity needed would be 640 GWh; at 100 E/kWh (today’s cost) the investment would be 64 Billion €. Not simple!

However, 10 M e-cars parked around Europe would total about 850 GWh storage capacity. Here is the solution at zero cost.

Everybody needs a vehicle with 500 km range, but very few use that every day.

For example, people who know they will spend the day in office may offer half of their storage capacity to the network, to allow greater use of renewables.

This would allow the system to harvest energy (for example in low consumption hours) which would otherwise be wasted.

The vehicle owners will be paid for their service. For example, with some free energy.

In this scenario, the economy switches from based on consumption of resources cost to investment cost, while the use of the vehicle is essentially free of charge.